MadiMack Pool Equipment

Cutting edge, high performing product solutions that optimize energy efficiency & enhance your lifestyle.

GT Freedom Cleaner

Untangle yourself with Madimack’s GT Freedom and cordless cleaning. Intelligent navigation, APP control, premium lithium-ion battery and advanced InverMAC technology, brings an upgraded cleaning experience for you and your pool.  Sit back and relax while Madimack GT Freedom gets to work.

Variable Speed Pumps

Madimack’s advanced InverMAC technology optimises the efficiencies of your pool pump. It combines full inverter technology, permanent magnet synchronous motors and DC brushless motor with intelligent operation. Additional benefits include the reduction of operation noise by more than 30x. Providing an almost silent experience. In comparison to basic pool pumps, the InverFLOW Eco performs up to 90% better in energy efficiencies.

Inverter HeatPumps

Choosing the right heat pump can be a daunting process. Madimack’s range of advanced pool heaters cater for the variations in backyard pools and environments around the globe. Engaging a specialist to support you through the process can optimise your heating solution further.

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